More than freedom…
These stories aren’t easy to read.
Some of these will absolutely break your heart. Because there is nothing good about sexual slavery. It’s dark and full of lies. It demeans, abuses, and manipulates, leaving brokenness, hopelessness, and heartache behind.
But there is hope, and it is why Project Rescue exists.
Southern Asia
Lalitha was just 13 years old when she arrived at the Project Rescue home, but in many ways, she was frozen in time. Years of severe abuse had not only left deep emotional scars but had also stunted her brain’s growth and development. But God had other plans for her life.
Rachita was conceived by exploitation. She was trafficked from one village to another and only knowing her local village's language, Rachita's mother couldn't speak out for help. Rachita's mother was even a victim of child marriage.
A man stood in front of one of the brothels, talking to the madam with a six-month-old baby girl in his arms. The sight was alarming enough, but what made it even more horrifying was the nature of their conversation. The man was heatedly negotiating a sale price for the baby's precious life.
Binita had just finished 10th grade when a family friend offered her a way to help her family with their financial situation. Her father had run away and her older sister had disappeared. It fell to Binita to take care of her family. So she agreed to her mother and uncle's request and left to go work in a factory.
Kaira couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t exploited, degraded, and abused. She was just 12 years old when she was sold to a pimp in Southern Asia and forced to work as a prostitute and dancer in a filthy local club. Her body ogled at, used — and discarded — again and again.
Leena is a precious little girl. Her mother ran away when she was a baby. Her father killed himself. Leena's grandmother didn't want to and couldn’t afford to care for her, so she decided to traffic her.
Sonia was once an innocent little girl with a bright future, but this was stripped from her when her mother died, leaving a family who physically and verbally abused her. After running away at only 13 years old, Sonia was sold into prostitution…
Before arriving at Project Rescue, Rashmi had wallowed in neglect and abuse. Her mother died when Rashmi was 7, leaving the child alone to beg in the streets and scavenge for food in garbage heaps. That was her life — until a woman with crooked teeth and a saggy throat adopted her into a brothel.
Ananya, who was just 11 years old when our Project Rescue team met her, was an orphan at birth. A brothel owner, seeing the financial potential this baby girl held, falsified all of her necessary documents to say that Ananya now belonged to her.
Josiah's mother was five months pregnant, HIV positive, and living in a red-light district. After giving birth to Josiah, she felt unable to care for her son and made the difficult decision to give him up….
Miriam is from a small southern Asia town. Her broken family led her mother to take her daughters- to flee from their abusive father. They fled leaving everything behind.
Navya & Shamita
Navya and Shamita, two brave young girls, were rescued from slavery and brought to a Project Rescue home in Southern Asia. Then they were asked if they would join a rescue operation.
Dalia’s story begins in a small village in North Africa, where she grew up dreaming of a better life. Like many, she had hoped for an opportunity to support her family and build a future.
When Abiba was sixteen years old, her mother died and her father kicked her out of her home. Alone and afraid, a family friend told her she could get a job if she traveled with him to Northern Africa. Abiba was forced into sexual slavery, beaten and raped continually.
She lives in an apartment used for prostitution and her everyday life is under the control of others. Although she was afraid to talk, little by little we gained her trust, and she told us her story. She’s
She was beaten badly by her father, who sold her to a family that had her as a slave in their home. She never went to school or out in the street. She had to work all day and received no pay. She was treated like a dog and heard insults all day long. After this, she also suffered sexual abuse.
Revi knew what to expect every day. Revi's mother was a prostitute and would leave Revi at a store entryway every day and go off to "work". Revi would beg for money and wait for her mother to return. Night after night, she waited while her mother was abused for money.
Latin America
One of the men in the backseat blindfolded her and put duct tape on her mouth. For two hours the car zigzagged until it finally came to a halt. The two men dragged her up a flight of stairs before ripping the duct tape and blindfold from her face.
Ashanti and her brother Monte had never attended school. The money their parents earned from the kiosk was just enough to pay their rent and feed the family. School fees were out of the question.
Her father was verbally and physically abusive. Not a day went by when Ranya’s mom was not physically or emotionally tortured in her own home. One day when Ranya was only eight months old, the abuse escalated, and Ranya’s father kicked her mother out of the home, holding Ranya captive inside.
Elana is 5 years old. She was born in a brothel but because of a bad marriage her mother walked out of it and after some years married another man who was her customer and wanted her to shift with him to his village
Nina was trafficked and forced into a life of exploitation, with her young son held captive in a nearby apartment. The traffickers used her son's safety as leverage, making her work day and night under constant threat. It made Nina's heart ache.
Anna was coerced into prostitution by her boyfriend who promised to save up money so they could get married and buy a home together, but she would need to help him get out of debt first. He told her that if she was willing to work in the red-light district just once or twice, his debt would be gone in no time, and they could start saving for their happily ever after.
Adah was born to a very poor family. She is 28 years old and has a four-year-old little boy. A friend introduced her to Mahmek, a man who would give her work. But Mahmek was a pimp who forced Adah into sexual slavery
Nuria is 21 years old. Her father threw her out onto the streets when she was just 15 years old. Since then she has gone through a lot including bad and violent relationships, leading to heartache and several abortions. This then took her to consuming drugs and alcohol.
She was desperate to feed her young children and protect them from the life she was forced to live. Sarai's mother had been prostituted for many years, and her daughter was destined for the same. At the age of 16, Sarai went to "work" with her mother at the brothel.
The word opportunity struck Bella’s heart in an instant. The word carried a weight that resonated deep within her soul. It painted vivid visions of a life she had only dared to dream about—financial freedom, the pursuit of her long-held aspirations, and the chance to live a life far better than the one she knew. The lure was irresistible.
Mariana approached our Project Rescue team in Europe and explained how she had been trafficked into prostitution and recently escaped her captors. Like many victims of sexual exploitation, she suffered from post-traumatic stress.
She was assured an exciting new life and a good salary that would allow her the opportunity to send money to her impoverished family that remained in Africa. Wanting to help her family as much as she could, she agreed to take the job in Europe.
Middle East
From the age of 12, Dani’s life was filled with emotional, physical, and mental pain. She was kidnapped and taken into sexual slavery in the Middle East.
One day Jude's father never came back and Jude realized she had no way to make money to provide for her brothers. She sent each of the boys to the street to beg and she herself wandered the city begging for help.
When her father would tell her how beautiful she was, she didn't know that this beauty would mean her father would fetch a higher price when he sold her. Basant was told she was to go work for a man and woman she had never met before, and that she was to do whatever they asked.
Meena didn't have a home anymore. War between two terrorist groups had driven her and her family away but with little hope of where they might go. Meena had traveled with her mother and younger brother to a refugee camp with little personal belongings.
Raneen had worked in this brothel for what felt like her whole life. Her madame used drugs to keep her girls under control and the effects of these drugs only brought Raneen lower. She was so sick and rarely slept until one day her body had had enough and shut down.
Asia Pacific
Pasha was one of many children on the streets of this city. Every day she had to scrounge or beg for food. But most people wouldn’t look of Pasha and the other children. It made Pasha feel so small and hopeless.
Tara was going to school at a local public school in her city. She had friends, and her teachers knew her by name, but no one knew what was happening at home. Tara was being exploited by a family member. She wasn't just afraid, but as the abuse continued, she began blaming herself that somehow it was her fault.
Shia came to the ranch at just nine years old, a young girl from a broken family with little understanding of God. Her early life was far from easy. Her mother had passed away when she was only five, and her father went to prison. With six siblings and no stable home, her aunt and uncle decided to split the children up among relatives. This separation added to her feelings of instability and loneliness.
At 14 years old, Prim was at a high-risk of become a sex slave, coming off the streets in an area plagued with prostitution. But instead Prim was brought to a Project Rescue home. But she was so anxious and upset that she would not go to school. She had to be encouraged daily to eat, change clothes, and brush her teeth.
Shaina came to Happy Horizon's Children Ranch as a teenager who had endured years of abuse and sexual assault from her own father. Her mother knew what was happening but didn’t try to step in for fear that her husband would leave her alone to care for their four children. Shaina's mother didn’t go to the police for the same reason.
We met four-year-old Lanfen and her two-year-old brother in a red light area. On the streets, these young children are at high risk of being taken in by brothels and raised until they are at the age to serve as sex slaves. These two were living with their grandmother as the rest of their family served in the trafficking districts in neighboring cities.
Dana’s young life changed drastically after her mother died. Besides caring for her two younger brothers, she was required to spend her days cooking, collecting water and firewood, and keeping the family’s hovel in order.
Disclosure: All names, photos, and exact locations have been changed for the safety and security of the survivors and our staff