
Rachita was conceived by exploitation. 

Whoever her father was, all she knew was that he had been a customer to her mother. Rachita was around 9 years old when we first met her in a dark brothel in the red-light area. Her mother was a victim of sex trafficking; she was around 14 -15 years old when her circumstances pushed her into slavery due to domestic violence and poverty. Rachita's mother was also a victim of child marriage. She was trafficked from one village to another and only knowing her local village's language, Rachita's mother couldn't speak out for help.  

During a door-to-door visit, we met Rachita and her mother. All the girls in the family were HIV infected because of the life they were forced to live. Timely intervention and medical treatment helped the girls greatly recover. 

Rachita had never received an education. She didn't know the alphabet and knew only her local language. It took around one year to teach her the basic alphabet, and by then, she had just turned 11 years old. A year later, Rachita joined our school, and our partners spent 3-4 hours every day helping her keep up with her studies. Other kids began to step in and help Rachita learn. Soon, she began to recover and advance in her schooling. She made friends and would help other students as well. 

Soon after, she began expressing interest in our lessons about God's grace and love. Our team began to see leadership qualities in Rachita. She had a willing heart to pursue God and encourage other children. When Rachita reached 10th grade, she expressed she wanted to study science and become a nurse. She began to work even harder in school and when it was time for her to complete high school, Rachita's desire to become a nurse had only grown. 

Rachita was awarded a Project Rescue higher education scholarship and was admitted into a nursing school. There, she completed her study and met the man she would marry. 

Through God's grace and Project Rescue's timely intervention, Rachita's story is one of hope for other girls born into exploitation. Now, Rachita is happily married, working as a nurse, and raising her two children to know God's love.