We seek to rescue and restore survivors of sexual slavery.
Since Project Rescue was founded in 1997, we’ve been on a mission to rescue and restore victims of sexual exploitation through the love and power of God.
Each Project Rescue affiliated site is launched by courageous men and women of God, often starting with street outreach in areas of prostitution. No two partnerships are exactly the same, but all caregivers offer God’s love, liberating truth, and compassionate, holistic care. In each of the areas we serve, leaders and staff work 24/7 with survivors to support them on their journey toward restoration.
Our core values
Partnering with a local church ensures a long-term healing community for survivors through prayer and resources.
All members of the Project Rescue Network share Project Rescue's mission, core values, and best practices and have access to intentional training and support.
Each program supports the needs of the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. Each person in our care is protected and respected as children of God and not re-exploited for promotional or fundraising purposes.
Our team believes in and depends on the Holy Spirit's work in rescuing and restoring survivors of sex trafficking.
Partners work strategically to create long-term, financially sustainable initiatives within their local and national communities rather than soley depend on foreign funding.

Where we partner
Project Rescue is a multinational network of partners serving women and child survivors throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia Pacific.
Together, we share the same commitment and passion for seeing Hope restored in the lives of survivors of sexual exploitation and slavery.
Our US–based resource office strives to align with each local partner to sustainably deliver culturally informed holistic care to the courageous survivors we serve.
Partners and Projects
Europe Ministry
Sharing freedom and the love of God
Village Project
Breaking the cycle of exploitation
North Africa
Offering hope and holistic care
Asia Pacific
End the cycles of exploitation
West Africa
A brighter future of freedom
Renewing lives, restoring hope
Middle East
From brothel to beacon of hope
Project Thitali
Latin America
Future free of exploitation
The Oasis
A safe place to find new life
through the Love and Power of God.
Our 3 areas of holistic work serve to care for survivors and prevent continued cycles of exploitation.
Creating a culture of awareness by educating families in high-risk areas and providing residential care programs.
Launching initiatives to build relationships and physically rescue women and children.
Meeting the ongoing, holistic needs of women and children to create lasting change after rescue.
Our Initiatives
With tears in her eyes, Mariana approached our Project Rescue team in Europe and explained how she was trafficked into prostitution and recently escaped...
Each survivor has a different story. Traffickers are experts at exploiting weakness and vulnerability, both of which are found in poverty, desperation, and chaos. Victims are often deceived or coerced into prostitution under the impression that they will have a respectable job and a decent wage in a new, exciting city. Whether women leave for a “new job” on their own volition, are unknowingly sold by their family as a means of providing another source of income, or are lured or kidnapped in a public place, women and children that end up in prostitution have been exploited. As soon as the girls make the journey to a new city or nation, they experience violence and intimidation by exploiters who beat them into submission and force them into sexual slavery. Often they are never seen or heard from again by their families.
Although paying for the “debts” owed to traffickers is the quickest way to get women and girls out of slavery, paying for one girl’s release puts money in the hands of exploiters to purchase other girls for slavery. This is a cycle and system of injustice we are fighting to end, rather than fueling it with more money. Each victim’s release is negotiated whenever possible in partnership with the local government and other local organizations.
After a victim is rescued they are taken to an aftercare home — a safe place where they can heal and be nurtured. In our aftercare homes, survivors receive the loving message of God, counseling, education, general medical care, basic literacy training, and vocational training leading to financial independence. Hospice care is also provided for women and girls with progressive HIV/AIDS.
Each rescued woman is welcome to stay until she feels she is ready to move out and live on her own. Some survivors need more time than others to heal. Our main concern is that every woman and child in the care of our affiliated ministries is fully provided for and never has to return to the dark world of sexual slavery. Once women leave the programs, they go on to live in the community, often working in a vocation they learned in the Project Rescue affiliated program. We celebrate that many women formerly in slavery have become successful entrepreneurs. Others now work in the rescue and restoration of other trafficked women and children.
The vicious world of sexual exploitation and trafficking is not only harmful to women. We do have boys homes in Southern Asia that minister to and are invested in the growth of young boys born and raised in red-light districts. Where girls born in red-light districts become the next generation of prostituted women, boys born there often become the next generation of traffickers, pimps, and customers. We seek to end this destructive cycle by raising up a generation of young men of integrity and compassion that are intent on changing their culture.
Visit our education page for additional resources and information.
When you give, you can be confident that the survivors we serve are directly impacted by your support.