
Pasha was one of many children on the streets of this city. Every day she had to scrounge or beg for food. But most people wouldn’t look of Pasha and the other children. It made Pasha feel so small and hopeless.

So when she was offered food and shelter by a stranger, her desperate situation made it hard to say no. She needed food to survive.

But their promise of food and shelter was a lie and Pasha was shocked to learn that she was really lured in to be the next victim of sexual abuse. Even at such a young age, her world quickly changed from innocence in childhood to a life of exploitation and darkness. 

Then Pasha was rescued. Her abuser was arrested and sentenced to prison for his crimes. Without family to claim her, Pasha needed somewhere to go, somewhere that would care for her and keep her safe.

Pasha was brought to Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch, and after five years of restoration and community, she has become so comfortable here. Everyday she witnesses the love of God over the kids at home. She no longer felt alone and Pasha almost immediately fell in love with school. 

When Pasha graduated from high school, she shared her dream with the staff at Happy Horizons. 

"I want to become a nurse. That is my dream." 

But schooling for her to get a degree is very expensive. She has asked many schools how much it would cost for her to become a nurse, and it was 60,000 pesos for tuition at the cheapest school. There was no way for Pasha to work to earn enough money for her schooling. 

But she has always had a heart to care for others. She would help where she could at Happy Horizons, especially working with the nurse and sick kids. When the opportunity came for Pasha to apply for financial aid to go to school, Pasha didn’t hesitate to chase her dream.

Moved by her story, her drive, and her heart to heal, Pasha soon became a new recipient of the Project Rescue Scholarship and is working to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse.