Where generational prostitution plagues women and young girls

Meet Prim


At 14, Prim was at high risk of becoming a victim of sex trafficking, living on the streets in an area plagued by prostitution. Instead, she was brought to a Project Rescue home, but her transition was difficult. Overwhelmed by trauma, she refused to attend school and struggled with even basic daily tasks.

Despite being surrounded by others with similar stories, Prim felt deeply isolated, often waking up in tears. With the patient support of her social worker, she slowly began to heal, eventually attending school and gaining confidence.

A year later, Prim’s transformation became clear when she was elected class Secretary by her peers—a powerful symbol of her newfound courage and hope. Today, Prim is thriving, excelling in her studies, and radiating joy. Her story is a testament to the life-changing impact of love, care, and restoration.

Where do we serve in Asia Pacific?

Project Rescue partnered with Happy Horizons in 2022. Happy Horizons is dedicated to rescuing and transforming the lives of sexually trafficked children in the Philippines. This ministry exists to create a safe place for exploited and vulnerable children to heal and grow. They impact the lives of around 5,000 individuals every year through our partner’s various initiatives, including feeding programs, vocational training, aftercare homes, formal education, prevention awareness programs, and income generation programs.

The Philippines


Project Rescue began its first partnership in Thailand in 2023. Here, culture has taught that sex work is just another job and when there is no other work, many find themselves exploited with no other options. Here, our partner does frontline work on the streets and in Redlight areas with those victimized by this modern-day slavery. This outreach includes education, health clinics, prevention and awareness, feeding programs, vocational training, and income generation. Our partner has a mobile food truck business that allows them to serve and minister in the largest red light district and once a week feed the homeless.

Read stories of rescue and restoration in the Asia Pacific region.

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