An outreach center designed to lay the foundation for a different future: A future of Freedom

The Thitali Center includes:

  • A women’s learning center, where survivors of trafficking can learn English and math, acquire new skills, and begin rebuilding their lives

  • A night-care shelter, a safe haven for women and children who have escaped their bondage

  • Digital classrooms, a safe learning space for children, as well as a tutoring area

  • A kitchen and baking unit where women will learn to cook and create a dining area for women, children, and staff

  • Counseling areas for both adults and children

  • Support facilities to help women and children who need help navigating government documentation requirements

  • Income Generation Projects that allow women to earn an income through honorable and dignified work that can support them and their children.

  • Feeding programs are designed to build relationships and prevent exploitation.

From Brothel to Beacon of Hope

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Because of you, our partner can continue restoring lives through the transformative power of God’s love!

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Project Thitali Video

Thitali Center Tour Video

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