An urgent request has come in from the women in one of Belgium’s red-light districts:
To convert the current outreach center into a café — for safety reasons. Many exploited women and children are afraid to seek help at a known outreach center … but can visit a local café without fear of violent retaliation from brothel owners.
Project Rescue is responding accordingly — and we need your help immediately.
$150,000 is needed by June 11 to complete renovations on our new café and continue the life-saving outreach and programs that are already making a difference for Belgium’s survivors.
I’m thrilled to tell you that a divinely timed $75,000 Hope for Belgium Matching Challenge will double the impact of any gift you give, up to the $75,000 total, between now and the June 11 deadline!
Please pray — and respond as God leads you. You’ll play a beautiful part of our ministry to the marginalized today by helping us transform our outreach center into a café and continue restoring lives together.
And remember: Your gift will be doubled in impact — and God will be glorified!