
So, What’s next?

One key element to ministry to the sexually exploited is a place to bring survivors so they can live, grow, and recover in safety. We knew our next step was to find a home. And God made a way.

A place of safety.

In 2024, we placed a down payment on a home in Honduras. We are working hard to renovate this home.

We will provide meals, counseling, spiritual mentorship, vocational training, and safety for the teens and young women who are being targeted for exploitation in this region.

Our long-term goal is to add a full vocational training and education facility for these courageous survivors and expand the capacity of the safe home.

Will you help make this house a home for survivors to find refuge and restoration?

Meet our partners

We have found the champions who feel called to bring hope and healing to women and children in Honduras. They have been working for years, developing relationships with local law enforcement, regional and national government officials, local churches, and other NGOs. Project Rescue has come alongside this team to provide training and other resources to expand their work and impact more lives. 

Cost of a survivors’s holistic care

$72.50 a week

$290 a month

$3,480 a year

A survivor story: Elana

Elana is 5 years old. She was born in a brothel but because of a bad marriage her mother walked out of it and after some years married another man who was her customer and wanted her to shift with him to his village… 

Elana was never accepted in the new family, and when her mother had two sons, the stepfather and his family began physically and verbally abusing her. When there was a threat to the life of Elana, her mother called her sister to take the child away. Elana's aunt rushed to the village and Elana started staying with her in a brothel…

Project Rescue started organizing Elana’s papers to bring her to one of our safe homes but her stepfather now started torturing Elana's mother demanding the child be brought back to the village…

When Elana's aunt discussed this with our team they encouraged her to come to the center and they all prayed for this situation.

Later, Elana's mother expressed her desire to have Elana stay with Project Rescue for a better future and an education. Elana's mother was willing to take the beating and abuse from her husband but wanted a better future for her child. Elana is now safe with our team and receiving an education.


Honduras Video

Project Overview

Honduras HOme photos

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