85% of Indigenous girls are abused by the time they are 14 years old.
This province in Ecuador has the highest percentage of mothers under the age of 12.
Hope House was ready to break the cycle.
"The start of something beautiful."
The hard reality for many of the girls in the jungle is marriage at just 11-13 years old, abuse, and lack of access to anything beyond an elementary education.
In 2006, Hope House began working to make a difference in the lives of the local women and children. A home was opened that offered the girls the hope of an education, a secure place to live, learning skills that will help them in the future, and being introduced to the hope we find in God's love and power
“We never realized what God would do when one little girl after another showed up on our doorstep looking for more than just a place to stay, but a place to call home.”
The Mission.
Ecuador Hope House empowers the girls to take what they learn and use the opportunity that they receive to impact their communities. Their mission is to break the cycle through education and hope.
Together with Project Rescue, women and children in the jungles of Ecuador will have the opportunity to have a childhood free of exploitation. Over 150 girls have gone through Hope House and still consider it their home. Last year, six girls graduated high school, an opportunity they never would have had before.
With every girl impacted, every life touched, and every heart restored, we are reminded that hope is unstoppable and transformation is possible. Thanks to your generosity and God’s faithfulness, a new future is being shaped where freedom and dignity prevail.