Project Rescue Praise Report!

Hope Begins With You!

By Jennifer Barratt

I know it can seem overwhelming. The issue of sexual exploitation and slavery is massive in scope — and truly heartbreaking.

But you are making an incredible difference through your support of Project Rescue. And thanks to your faithfulness, God is growing our network of partners in unprecedented ways.

  • Since the beginning of 2023, we’ve launched new partnerships in three countries: in the Middle East (extraordinary!), Africa, and Asia Pacific. In each of these places — and across central and southern Asia and Europe — you are impacting lives and offering hope to once-exploited women and children. It is truly a privilege to partner with you to serve survivors and support God’s transforming work in their lives!

  • At the same time, we have students of all ages from across the world joining in our Rescue & Restore classes to become better equipped in their respective fields to minister to survivors of sexual exploitation and participate in anti-trafficking work.

  • And our Prayer Partners are growing in number and strength — supporting our efforts to bring spiritual light into the darkest corners of the world.

So I thank you, from my heart, for your support. You are a catalyst for hope, freedom, and transformation in so many lives. God bless you for it!

Hope & Freedom - Through Prayer

You are already such an important part of our Project Rescue network. Today, we invite you to partner more deeply with us … through prayer!

The rescue and restoration of enslaved women and children is a spiritual battle, one that we cannot fight alone. We need you to stand with us in prayer and faith by signing up to become a prayer partner.

You will receive three to five prayer requests each month, along with special video updates, too, centering on the following topics:

  1. Spiritual Strength — for spiritual discernment and authority among staff as they counsel and pray over women, girls, and boys in our Safe Homes.

  2. Staff — for God to raise up strong people nationally for every ministry site.

  3. Healing — for complete spiritual, emotional, and physical healing and restoration for the women and children impacted by Project Rescue-affiliated ministries.

This is a great way to get involved as we pray for and celebrate miracles of freedom! Please sign up today.

Another Life … Beautifully Transformed

She was just 14 years old when she was welcomed into one of our Project Rescue partner homes in Asia Pacific.

Prim had been rescued from a terrible life of exploitation … but she urgently needed hope and restoration. The young girl was so anxious and traumatized that she couldn’t go to school. She had to be encouraged daily to do simple tasks, like eat, change her clothes, and brush her teeth.

Her fear was palpable. Even with 50 other girls around her, sharing in her suffering, she felt alone, afraid, and couldn’t sleep. Night after fitful night, Prim would be awakened by nightmares and tears.

But over the course of several months — and faithful, patient care from our staff and Prim’s social worker — we began to see God work in Prim’s sorrow-filled life. Her confidence slowly grew. She became more comfortable with her peers. She began attending school! In September, she started a new school year … and was elected class Secretary!

It is evident to all that God has changed her heart. Prim is a survivor, and the joy in her smile is contagious. She loves to dance and has joined our church dance team.

Please pray for Prim’s continued healing — and thank you for making such a beautiful difference in her life.

As you stand with us generously today, you will help express God’s life-changing hope, healing, and love through Project Rescue’s outreaches and initiatives to more women and children devastated by sexual slavery.

Thank you for your faithfulness!