

But she didn't know that this beauty would mean her father would fetch a higher price when he sold her

Basant was told she would go work for a man and woman she had never met before and that she was to do whatever they asked

Confused and hurt, Basant went away with these strangers, not knowing that this "work" wasn't for the day but that it was her life her father had sold

The first night, the woman refused to look at Basant, but the man would not stop. Basant learned what kind of "work" she would be doing that night when the man locked her in a room and stayed all night with her. 

She woke the next morning beaten and bleeding but was told she would serve many men the same. 

The man and women sold her to a brothel far from her home city. Here, Basant was passed around like an object. She was bought and sold for years and moved so often that she didn't know where she was anymore, only that her life had become a nightmare she could never have imagined. 

Basant stood at the door of a "customer" who refused to pay for the services he had received. The customer screamed at Basant and called her cruel names, which drew the attention of everyone in the street, including two Project Rescue team members

Angry and embarrassed to be exposed in front of so many as a prostitute, Basant ran down the street right into Project Rescue's team. They tried to stall her to speak with her, but Basant cursed them and pushed past them angrily. 

The team didn't give up. They walked the street near the brothel every week until Basant came out to answer another customer's call.


She recognized the two workers when they approached her and asked if she had time to speak. She said nothing but followed them to a quieter place, where they gave her food and told Basant about Project Rescue. 

They invited her to come with them. Still saying nothing, Basant quietly began to cry. Her crying turned to sobs as she shared that she had just found out she was pregnant, and her mistress wanted her to kill the child

Basant never had to answer another customer's call. 

She went with our team and lives in a safe home with our team and other women from similar circumstances. 

She's been with Project Rescue for over a year and has given birth to a little baby boy. Pray that she continues to grow as she works on recovering from the abandonment and abuse she has faced. You can learn more about our efforts to rescue in restore women in the Middle East here